Investment Promotion Agency of the Sverdlovsk region

Address: B.Yeltsina str. 3 , office 517, Ekaterinburg, 620014

Phone: +7 (343) 311-52-80


Production of adhesive materials

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The Sverdlovsk region is the area which offers investing into the glue technologies, localization of the adhesives manufacturing

Prerequisites for development of the adhesives sales market: execution of the program by the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region “Five-year development plan”, launching new projects in the construction and raw material producing areas; promotion of sales of the polymeric products through participation in the international treaties with Azerbaijan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, South-African Republic.

Hundreds of companies – potential partners in the field of wood processing, light industry, machine-building, construction- are operating the Sverdlovsk region, they are ready to offer different options for future partnership.

Among the most perspective directions one can name: production of polyurethane compositions, sealants and fixative compositions

The Sverdlovsk region is the birthplace of the Urals school of engineering. Two high institutions of the Region produce graduates in specialty “Chemical technology”
