Investment Promotion Agency of the Sverdlovsk region

Address: B.Yeltsina str. 3 , office 517, Ekaterinburg, 620014

Phone: +7 (343) 311-52-80


Manufacturing polymer materials' product

To get out the industry presentation
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The Sverdlovsk Region is a region with a developed infrastructure and the possibility of profitable implementation of new projects for the production of polymers.

The main advantages for the investor: a prepared base for the development of high-tech industries, a sales market, an opportunity for cooperation with companies in the Sverdlovsk region and profitable logistics.

Among the key directions of development are the production of flexible packaging, the production of components for household appliances, self-leveling mixtures for self-leveling floors.

The economically active population of the region is 2,124,500 people. The region offers investors both ready-made personnel and special targeted training programs in conjunction with the main universities of the Urals.
