Investment Promotion Agency of the Sverdlovsk region

Address: B.Yeltsina str. 3 , office 517, Ekaterinburg, 620014

Phone: +7 (343) 311-52-80


Titanium industry

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The Sverdlovsk region is a strategic area to accommodate the production capacities of the titanium companies.

The level of production concentration is 4 times higher than the national average. The region is rich in natural resources, has got significant scientific and human potential, its industrial complex is characterized by diversity .
  • TOP-10 regions of Russia in terms of industrial production
  • It comes first as for the titanium delivery volume

VSMPO-AVISMA corporation is the world’s largest titanium manufacturer, the global leader at the high-tech market of the titanium production. The Corporation supplies its products to more than 50 countries and is deeply integrated into the world aerospace industry; it is a strategic contractor for many companies throughout the world.

Among the promising areas of the titanium production one can name : manufacture of complex three-D configuration products , of critical heavy-loaded units and assemblies, of engine parts, heat exchange equipment for energy sector and for enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical branch; of the cladding for buildings, deep water drilling risers, casings, dental implants, cardiovascular devices, surgical instruments, exhaust systems, springs for suspension and engine valve , rock-climbing equipment, golf clubs, jewelry, pens, watches.

The Sverdlovsk region offers flexible mechanisms of support of investment projects.
