A new resident of ASEZ will launch production of materials for construction of wooden houses in Lesnoy

A new resident of ASEZ will launch production of materials for construction of wooden houses in Lesnoy
On the territory of the advanced special economic development zone «Lesnoy» the company «Greenwood» is going to start production of timber items being in high demand on the market. The corresponding agreement was concluded with the company «Atom-TOR» – the ASEZ management body in the closed towns, where the enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom» are located.
«Currently, wooden housing construction is gaining popularity in the Region. The business plan provides for production of the high-quality items from sawn softwood, which will be sold at competitive prices, since the tax incentives and other preferences in ASEZ allow doing this. The project will be launched in the middle of the next year, full capacity will be reached by 2024. About 35 new jobs will be created. Investments in the project amount to over RUB 22 mln. », - said Viktoria Kazakova, Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk region.
The enterprise is primarily aimed at satisfaction of the demand from the side of the business companies of the Sverdlovsk region. Among the priorities of the project one can name: the concept of waste-free production, environmental friendliness and creation of comfortable working conditions.
«Positive atmosphere in the working team and team spirit are important for us. All employees will be trained to operate the high-tech equipment. People will get all opportunities for professional growth»,- said Alla Zhukova, General Director of the company «Greenwood»
Nikolay Pegin, General Director of the JSC «Atom-TOP», drew attention to the social significance of the investment site for a closed town with residency restrictions.
The ASEZ investment site has got the required infrastructure for operation of the enterprise. Industrial complex with total area of more than 7 thousand square meters is located here. The next step is connection to the utilities and preparation of the production premises, purchase and installation of the required equipment. Such new enterprise of the wood branch turns to be a significant contribution to the diversification of the monotown economy», - said Nikolay Pegin.